Our expert team of quantity Surveyors develops precise Bill of quantities (BOQ) with proper back up of mark up drawings and maintains transparency by itemizing works with specific reference of drawings, specifications. Our BOQ services delivers realistic work estimates which in turn help our Clients to decide on changes and Value Engineering to achieve better value of project within the budget.

We work with Clients, Architects, Design Consultants to deliver the measured quantum of works by preparing cost estimates and develope more insights into the concept by sharing our expertise. Better clarity resulted from our cost estimation and Quantity Surveying services delivers a transparent set of information to decide on the feasibility of the Project.

Our Value Engineering practices analyze the project design at concept stage and measures cost impact of possible alternatives in Structure, Architecture, MEP, Interior and its contribution in increasing the value addition to the Project. Our team of Quantity Surveyors and Cost Managers are committed to achieve best value for capital spent by client on the project.